Bearing Distributors Inc
  • Address1589 Tampines Industrial Distributor Avenue 5 Singapore 528759
  • Factory Address1589 Tampines Industrial Distributor Avenue 5 Singapore 528759
  • Worktime9.00--18.00
  • Phone(Working Time)0065-31591338
  • Phone(Nonworking Time)0065-31591338
  • Fax0065-31591338

Mud pump ZB10236

NOVEMBER 02, 2022

National Oilwell Varco provides smooth Triplex performance and high efficiency from the 14-P-220 Mud Pump.

  • Performance: An advanced fluid end design gives exceptionally smooth Triplex performance. This unique design facilitates fast inspection and easy servicing.

  • Flexibility: Compact engineering provides higher efficiency in less space. The pump's light weight and flexible design make it easily adaptable to a variety of rig configurations. This provides flexibility as drilling requirements and conditions change.

  • Fluid End Modules: NOV offers a choice of fluid end modules and valve covers for every P Series pump model to select the fluid end module that exactly matches drilling requirements. All pump models can be equipped with either the standard or premium forged, two-piece interchangeable fluid modules.

  • Height, floor to center of front inlet suction, inches (mm) 16-1/2" (419)
    Height, floor to center of discharge, inches (mm) 45-1/4" (1149)
    Overall length over skids, inches (mm) 209" (5309)
    Width over frame, inches (mm) 78-5/8" (1997)
    Width over pinion shaft, inches (mm) 113-3/4" (2889)
    Height, floor to top of gear case, inches (mm) 75" (1905)
    Height over fluid cylinders, inches (mm) 62-15/16" (1599)
    Max. input, horsepower (kW) 1600 (1193)
    Rated pump speed, spm 120
    Maximum fluid cylinder line bore*, inches (mm) 7-01/4" (184.2)
    Stroke, inches (mm) 12 (304.8)
    Hydrostatic test pressure of standard fluid cylinders, psi (kg/cm²) 10,000 (703)
    Ratio of gears 3.439
    Suction connection, ASA-150 lb. R.J. flange, inches 10"
    Discharge connection, cross w/API-5000 lb. R.J. flange, inches 6"
    Valve pot, API number MOD.7
    Weight-complete, less sheave, lbs. (kg) 54,700 (24,810)

    *Above 5000 PSI on 12-P-160 is optional

  • ZT15000 ZB-6751 65-725-957 ZB-7370
    ZB10236 ZB-5620 65-725-936 ZB-7120
    ZB 28515 ZB-11028 65-725-959 ZB-6751
    ZB8253 ZB-10236 65-725-960 ZB-5620
    150TDOC8663DC1953G6 ZB-8662 65-725-000 ZB-11028
    24052YMW33W45AC3 ZB-7873 65-725-010 ZB-10236
    N-2504-B ZB-7081 IB-1331 7602-0220-61 bearing(original
    N-2759-B ZB-6292 IB-1330 7602-0220-61
    NUP464779Q4/C9YA4 ZB-32000 IB-1334 7602-0202-01
    NUP464775Q4/C9YA4 ZB-28515 IB-1332 22-030-007
    NUP464744Q4/C9 ZB-26250 IB-657 IB-666
    NUP464776Q4/C9YA4 ZB-25500 IB-675 IB-429
    NUP464777Q4/C9YA4 ZB-23500 IB-672 IB-411
    4G32828H ZB-22000 IB-670 4600170/649366
    4G32836H ZT-16125 IB-676 4600169/649472
    4G32840H ZT-15000 IB-676 ZA-6870
    4G32844H ZT-14500 IB-671 7602-0210-67
    4G32848H ZT-13127 IB-678 7602-0212-98
    32644H ZT-11812 7602-0201-67 7602-0210-93/94
    154836 ZT-10003 7602-0201-37 7602-0210-95/96
    5G254936Q 7602-0210-95/96 ) 7602-0201-38 65-101-775
    254941QU 7602-0210-95/96 7602-0201-47 65-101-958
    254735Q 65-101-775 7602-0200-54 65-101-954
    354935Q 65-101-958 7602-0200-53 IB-666/491-35
    5G354920Q 65-101-954 7602-0213-06 IB-306/3693B
    23160C3/W33 IB-666/491-35 7602-0212-68 ZB-9005
    24072CA/W33 IB-306/3693B 7602-0212-69 ZT-8004 bearing(original)
    24060CA/W33 ZB-9005 6319-0078-00 ZT-8004
    24056CA/W33 ZB-8253 7602-0212-89 ZT-7006
    10929/630U ZB-7370 6310-0012-00 7602-0220-62
    10029/630U ZB-7120 7602-0213-07 7602-0220-61
    10129/630U ZB-6751 7602-0212-67 7602-0202-01
    10929/670U ZB-5620 7602-0212-88 22-030-007
    10929/710U ZB-11028 7602-0211-09 IB-666
    20929/530 ZB-10236 7602-0210-37 IB-429
    20329/530 ZB-8662 7602-0213-05 IB-411
    20929/500 ZB-7873 6301-0038-00 4600170/649366
    20329/500 ZB-7081 6397-0267-00 4600169/649472
    229/723Q ZB-6292 7602-0212-90 ZA-6870
    92984Q ZB-32000 7602-0212-91 7602-0210-67
    929/558.8Q ZB-28515 65-725-034 7602-0212-98
    928/660.4Q ZB-26250 65-725-080 7602-0210-93/94
    929/660.4Q ZB-25500 65-725-020 7602-0210-95/96
    928/508Q ZB-23500 65-725-957 65-101-775
    929/840U ZB-22000 N-2759-B 65-101-958
    228/600Q ZT-16125 M268730-90096 65-101-954
    228/666.75Q 7602-0212-98 N-2504-B IB-666/491-35
    30228/630Q 7602-0212-98 N-3483-A IB-306/3693B
    2097164 7602-0210-93/94 M270730-902A9 ZB-9005
    2097172 7602-0210-95/96 N-3155-C ZB-8253
    97860 65-101-775 N-2672-B ZB-7370
    97960 65-101-958 O-1559-C ZB-7120
    4G32836H5691/600 65-101-954 E-1927-B ZB-6751
    5691/500 IB-666/491-35 E-1926-B ZB-5620
    5691/630 IB-306/3693B 180RU91 R3 W-4482 bearing(original)
    1689/520 ZB-9005 E-1788-B W-4482
    1689/620 ZB-8253 E-1906-B MUC5136
    1687/560 ZB-7370 200RU91 R3 X39042
    1687/650 ZB-7120 E-1713-B E5238U
    1687/810 ZB-6751 C-7424-B MUC5148
    1681/800 ZB-5620 220RU91 R3 ZT-7872
    5692/800 ZB-11028 E-1713-B ZT-8004
    2687/1049 ZB-10236 C-7425-B ZT-7006
    38780 ZB-8662 220RU91 R3 7602-0220-62
    5691/750 ZB-7873 O-1357-B 7602-0220-61
    5691/600 ZB-7081 G-3020-B 7602-0202-01
    5691/500 ZB-6292 G-3075-B 22-030-007
    569196 ZB-32000 180RU91 R3 IB-666
    569184 ZB-28515 G-2791-B IB-429
    569164 ZB-26250 G-2792-B IB-411
    1689/520 ZB-25500 A-5238-WM R6 4600170/649366
    1689/620 ZB-23500 E-1713-B 4600169/649472
    1687/560 ZB-22000 G-3147-B ZA-6870
    1687/560K1 7602-0210-67 bearing(original) 240RU91 R3 7602-0210-67
    1687/562K2 7602-0210-67 T1120 7602-0212-98
    1687/650 7602-0212-98 T1011 7602-0210-93/94
    1687/770 7602-0210-93/94 T921 7602-0210-95/96
    5692/530 7602-0210-95/96 T911 65-101-775
    65-101-775 T911A 65-101-958
    65-101-958 T811 65-101-954
    5692/630 65-101-954 T711 IB-666/491-35
    5692/670 IB-666/491-35 T691 IB-306/3693B
    5692/800 IB-306/3693B T661 ZB-9005
    2687/1049 ZB-9005 T511 ZB-8253
    2327/1049YA ZB-8253 T441 ZB-7370
    37941K ZB-7370 N-3559-A ZB-7120
    37951K ZB-7120 546633 MUC5144
    39761K ZB-6751 547591 MUC5144
    2097938K ZB-5620 513052A MUC5144
    2097948K ZB-11028 512133A W-4482
    2097952K ZB-10236 546631 MUC5136
    9549436K ZB-8662 514560 X39042
    T661T611 ZB-7873 547667 E5238U
    T691 ZB-7081 535741A MUC5148
    T911 ZB-6292 546632 ZT-7872
    T911A ZB-32000 547420 ZT-8004
    9836 ZB-28515 548086 ZT-7006
    9840 ZB-26250 10-6487 7602-0220-62
    98/500 ZB-25500 10-6419 7602-0220-61
    7549436Q ZB-23500 537433 7602-0202-01
    99434Q4 ZB-22000 549350 22-030-007
    99436Q4 IB-411 bearing(original) 10-6418 IB-666
    99456Q4 IB-411 547099 IB-429
    91754 4600170/649366 549351 IB-411
    19954EQ 4600169/649472 10-6260 4600170/649366
    549832K ZA-6870 547424 4600169/649472
    3-939 7602-0210-67 10-6041 ZA-6870
    549744 7602-0212-98 544002 7602-0210-67
    549822 7602-0210-93/94 543435 7602-0212-98
    811/500M 7602-0210-95/96 10-6093 AD5148 bearing(original)
    811/530M 65-101-775 544759 AD5148
    811/560M 65-101-958 510616A MUC5136
    817/600M 65-101-954 10-6040 E-5140-UMR
    75492/670 IB-666/491-35 544979 MUC5144
    75491/900 IB-306/3693B 546293 MUC5144
    4G32836H ZB-9005 10-6040 W-4482
    602-0220-62 ZB-8253 544000 MUC5136
    7602-0220-61 ZB-7370 546293 X39042
    7602-0202-01 ZB-7120 10-6209 E5238U
    22-030-007 ZB-6751 10-6061 MUC5148
    IB-666 ZB-5620 539187 ZT-7872
    IB-429 ZB-11028 543435 ZT-8004
    IB-411 ZB-10236 10-6062 ZT-7006
    4600170/649366 ZB-8662 543431 7602-0220-62
    4600169/649472 ZB-7873 549128 7602-0220-61
    ZA-6870 IB-666 bearing(original) 10-6040 7602-0202-01
    7602-0210-67 IB-666 543432 22-030-007
    7602-0212-98 IB-429 543433 IB-666
    7602-0210-93/94 IB-411 AD4746D IB-429
    7602-0210-95/96 4600170/649366 ADD42605 IB-411
    65-101-775 4600169/649472 AD4845D 4600170/649366
    65-101-958 ZA-6870 ADD42805 4600169/649472
    65-101-954 7602-0210-67 AD4746D ZA-6870
    IB-666/491-35 7602-0212-98 AD4644D AD4814D bearing(original)
    IB-306/3693B 7602-0210-93/94 AD4730D AD4814D
    ZB-9005 7602-0210-95/96 ADA42207 AD5148
    ZB-8253 65-101-775 AD5140 MUC5136
    ZB-7370 65-101-958 AD4814D E-5140-UMR
    ZB-7120 65-101-954 ADA426334 MUC5144
    ZB-6751 IB-666/491-35 AD5144 MUC5144
    ZB-5620 IB-306/3693B AD4814D W-4482
    ZB-11028 ZB-9005 ADA42603 MUC5136
    ZB-10236 ZB-8253 AD5144 X39042
    ZB-8662 ZB-7370 AD4812DO E5238U
    ZB-7873 ZB-7120 AD4540D MUC5148
    ZB-7081 ZB-6751 ADA42002 ZT-7872
    ZB-6292 ZB-5620 AD4633D ZT-8004
    ZB-32000 ZB-11028 ADA42201 ZT-7006
    ZB-28515 ZB-10236 AD5238X 7602-0220-62
    ZB-26250 ZB-8662 AD4814D 7602-0220-61
    ZB-25500 ZB-7873 AD5148 7602-0202-01
    ZB-23500 ZB-7081 MUC5136 22-030-007
    ZB-22000 ZB-6292 E-5140-UMR IB-666
    ZT-16125 ZB-32000 MUC5144 IB-429
    ZT-15000 ZB-28515 MUC5144 AD5238X bearing(original)
    ZT-14500 ZB-26250 W-4482 AD5238X
    ZT-13127 ZB-25500 MUC5136 AD4814D
    ZT-11812 ZB-23500 X39042 AD5148
    ZT-10003 ZB-22000 E5238U MUC5136
    7602-0201-67 ZT-16125 MUC5148 E-5140-UMR
    7602-0201-37 ZT-15000 ZT-7872 MUC5144
    7602-0201-38 ZT-14500 ZT-8004 MUC5144
    7602-0201-47 ZT-13127 ZT-7006 W-4482
    7602-0200-54 ZT-11812 7602-0220-62 MUC5136
    7602-0200-53 7602-0202-01 bearing(original) 7602-0220-61 X39042
    7602-0213-06 7602-0202-01 7602-0202-01 E5238U
    7602-0212-68 22-030-007 22-030-007 MUC5148
    7602-0212-69 IB-666 IB-666 4600170/649366
    6319-0078-00 IB-429 IB-429 4600169/649472
    7602-0212-89 IB-411 IB-411 AD4633D bearing(original)
    6310-0012-00 4600170/649366 6397-0267-00 AD4633D
    7602-0213-07 4600169/649472 7602-0212-90 65-101-958
    7602-0212-67 ZA-6870 7602-0212-91 65-101-954
    7602-0212-88 7602-0210-67 65-725-034 IB-666/491-35
    7602-0211-09 7602-0212-98 65-725-080 IB-306/3693B
    7602-0210-37 7602-0210-93/94 65-725-020 ZB-9005
    7602-0213-05 7602-0210-95/96 ZB-8253
    6301-0038-00 65-101-775